marasmatronics is a genre invented by Alex Ischenkau in 2010. It was born as a result of digital audio experimentation, besides mixing elements of Noise music, Rhythmic Noise and Sound Collage. Its distinctive trait is rapid high-tone whistling, gurgling and other strange sound modulations.

marasmatronics projet was first to play marasmatronics. The first pre-marasmatronic composition ("Allegory") was created by 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944[...].

All compositions by marasmatronics projet are encoded in low bitrate.

marasmatronics projet discography


1. Mode V (Genetic Trance)

2. 1992 (Genetic Trance)

3. Marasmatronics Anthem (Genetic Trance)

4. A Man of Mystery (Genetic Trance)

5. old track anti-vk (4m@-records)


6. 8 (8 Ravens)

7. M (Microbit Records)

8. 20 (20kbps records)

9. Don't Work - Make Noise (Genetic Trance)

10. Magia (Genetic Trance)

11. wow ghost (8 Ravens)

12. Mister Myster (Genetic Trance)

13. L (Lome)



1. Fandorin Projet 1 (Genetic Trance)

2. Futuristic FUNDERGROUND mixdisc (4m@-records)

3. FUNDERGROUND vol.7 (4m@-records)

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